Abhiyan News Paper
Abhiyan News Paper
Nepal Infrastructure Bank Limited (NIFRA) is established as a National Level Infrastructure Development Bank with the focused objective of accelerating the development of infrastructure of the nation. The Bank obtained the operating license from Nepal Rastra Bank (Central Bank) on February 11 2019 (2075/10/28 B.S.) and started its commercial operation from March 6 2019 (2075/11/22 B.S.).
Being the first Infrastructure Development Bank of the nation, the bank aims to bridge the infrastructure financing gap by raising resources from domestic and international market through innovations like: establishing Equity, Debt, Mezzanine and Sector Fund Structures, Issuing On-shore and Off-shore Bonds and Debenture, etc. and applying such funds into economically viable infrastructure projects by adopting proven models of infrastructure financing like Public Private Partnership (BOOT/BOT), Viability Gap Funding (VGF), Hybrid Annuity Models (HAM) and Securitizing Assets.
To be the nodal financial institution of the nation for infrastructure development.
To accelerate investment in infrastructure.
To bridge the financial gap for unlocking development potential.
To accelerate the infrastructure development and bridge the financing gap in infrastructure and its allied sectors in Nepal, Nepal Infrastructure Bank Limited (NIFRA) is established by Banks and Financial Institutions (BFIs), Life and Non-life Insurance companies and other private sector leading entities and team of entrepreneurs in joint participation with the Government of Nepal (GoN). The Bank aspires to work across the infrastructure landscape to act as a catalyst for building long term and sustainable infrastructure-led economic growth in Nepal.
Promote Public Private Partnership (PPP) in the development of infrastructure, infrastructure-allied businesses and other such sectors.
1. Raise and utilize resources for financing in infrastructure development including infrastructure-allied sectors of the country.
2. Encourage Private Sector Participation (PSP) in projects, enterprises and activities in infrastructure for sustainable economic development of the country.
3. Become a key partner of the Government of Nepal for infrastructure planning and development of the country.
4. Liaise with multilateral financial institutions, financial institutions of various countries, the Government of Nepal and private entrepreneurs for equity and debt financing in infrastructure projects of the country.
NATION FIRST: We commit to place the interest of our nation above everything else.
INTEGRITY: We create an environment of high trust and integrity among our stakeholders through our strong moral principles.
FUTURE ORIENTED: We aspire to create World class infrastructure to meet the needs of today’s and future generations of Nepal.
READINESS TO SERVE: We are always prepared to timely serve the community for better tomorrow starting today.
ACCOUNTABLE: We are compliant and responsible in all our actions.