We can find various notices of Kamana Sewa Bikas Bank such as notice about Quarterly Interest Rate, Capital Structure, Share IPO, Share FPO information, Reports, Sealed Bids, Tender, Meeting, Nepal Stock Exchange, Carrer Opportunity, Market Menu and Investing in digital and print media all over Nepal.
Share Price | Rs. 450(2025-02-13) |
PE Ratio | 24.50 |
PBV | 2.86 |
Fiscal Year | 081/082 |
Quarter | q2 |
EPS | 18.37 |
Book Value | RS. 157.46 |
Paidup Capital | RS. 3510846195 |
Base Rate | 7.72% |
CD Ratio | 85.99% |
Spread Rate | 4.59% |
NPL | 1.72% |
52 Weeks High Price | Rs. 564.8 |
52 Weeks Low Price | Rs. 330 |
View more details stock info of KSBBL
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कामना सेवाको व्यक्तिगत मुद्दती निक्षेपमा ११.५५% वार्षिक ब्याजदर पाउनुहोस I घरमै बसी आनन्दले उच्चतम ब्याजदरको लाभ उठाउनुहोस् I अनलाइन मुद्दती निक्षेप खाताको लागि यो लिंकमा जानुहोस्: https://bit.ly/3Fh94cd #fixeddeposit #kamanasewabikasbank #ksbbl
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दशैं आयो, उमङ्ग छायो यो दशैं कामना सेवाको मुद्दती निक्षेपमा पाउनुहोस् ९.५% को उच्चतम ब्याजदर। Individual Fixed Deposit A fixed deposit is an account that provides a higher interest rate than other account products of the bank. Any individual can open a fixed
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A Savings Account with > Hassle Free Account Opening Process > Zero Balance Account > Upto 1 Lakh Transaction Limit Per Annum Introducing: Insta Saving Account! Terms and Conditions I hereby agree to the following Terms and Conditions This account would facilitate the customer to make transactions
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Important Notice to All customers! Voice Mail Number for Notices: 1618014440115 Email: [email protected] Customer Support toll-free number: 16600-11-3000
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व्यवसाय सुरु गर्नुहोस् कामना सेवा सँग, बिना कुनै चिन्ता ! कामना सेवाको Micro Loan अन्तर्गत सजिलो व्यवसाय कर्जा ले तपाईको व्यवसायीलाई दिगो र दरिलो बनाउने मदत पुराउने छ । यो कर्जाको विशेषताहरु : - कर्जा सिमा रु १५,००,०००/- (अधिविकर्ष आवाधिक) -सेवा शुल्क नलाग्ने - कर्जा
Kamana Sewa Bikash Bank Limited is a national level development bank promoted by highly prominent business personalities/ groups and reputed individuals of the region who have excelled in their field of business/profession with very good integrity and social standings. Under the guidance of reputed Board of Directors and professional and dynamic management team having extensive experience with proven track record in the banking industry, Kamana Sewa Bank is committed to offer a wide range of banking products and services tailored with the state-of-the-art technology to meet the unique requirements of all the customer/clients and thereby delight them by exceeding their expectations.
With a shared vision of "Your Partner For Progress" , Kamana Sewa Bank Team is committed to providing the quality products and services to its valued customers with utmost courtesy and care. We at Kamana Sewa believe that delivery of quality products/services designed/customized to best suit the customer needs through continuous research/development and innovation is the foundation to build up the trust and enhance the level of confidence between the customer and the bank. Hence, Kamana Sewa Bank Team pledges its commitment to always endeavor for delivery of innovative products/services to all the customers to best suit their requirements thereby ensuring the optimum benefit and value addition to the customer as well as to all other stakeholders.